Have you been dealing with health issue for years, unable to find a solution?
If you’ve had a root canal, there is a high chance that your chronic health issues are closely related.

Did you know that each of your teeth is related to a meridian which is related to various organs, tissues and glands in your body? [meridian tooth chart]

Research Volunteers Needed

Root Canal Procedure is not as safe as we’ve been told

 When teeth are alive, they have blood flowing through them and the blood flow creates flow through the dentinal tubules as well, thus cleansing the tooth.

The root canal procedure stops the flow of blood into the tooth which kills the tooth, and the tooth now has no way to maintain healthy microbial balance. The environment changes to a low oxygen environment (no fluid flow to maintain healthy environment) which tends to encourage bad bugs capable of producing powerful toxins.

The Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland is the leading center for alternative medicine in Europe and it has treated cancer patients since 1958. Did you know that every cancer patient who comes to the clinic has their mouth cleaned of root canal-filled teeth before any other cancer treatment is done? [*]


* Exhaustive investigations by George Meining + Vincent Price (USA) have demonstrated that, in all teeth subjected to root canal treatment – and therefore dead – “SLOW BACTERIA” were present and whilst decomposing, release toxins and form free radicals, ensuring the chronicity of infective focus.
Immune system of person becomes affected.

** Dr. Hal Huggins and Dr. Thomas Levy, M.D., worked together on a study of root canal-filled teeth for six years – from 1994 to 2000. They had removed 5,000 root canal-filled teeth. Each tooth they removed was tested and every one of them was found to have compounds coming out of it that were “more toxic than botulism” (Dr. Levy’s words).

*** Dr. Boyd Haley, now a retired professor of chemistry at the University of Kentucky, chose to do his own studies similar to Weston Price’s research on root canal teeth using today’s technology.  He studied approximately 900 teeth with root canals for their level of toxicity within.  He grouped the teeth into three different groups:

  • 25% of the root canal teeth studied had bacteria within them which produced toxins that were fairly benign
  • 50% of the teeth studied contained bacteria within their structure that would challenge a healthy immune system
  • 25% of the teeth contained bacteria which produce toxins more powerful than botulinum (Important note, botulinum is widely recognized as the most toxic substance known to humans).

This bears repeating.  25% of the teeth Dr. Haley studied contained a toxin stronger than the strongest toxin known to humans.

*   Isopathic Treatment of Mucosa and Teeth, Dr. Thomas Rau, Switzerland
** The Root Canal Coverup
** *   OraWellnes.com: Understanding the issues with root canals, part one

Chronic Health Issues & Root Canals

Are you suffering from chronic sinusitis, chronic sore throat, receding gums or candida?
Have you had a root canal treatment done some time before you started to experience these health issues?
Are you searching for solutions?

Anamarija K Mashalin, the founder of MetaHolistico and Holographic Kinetics Practitioner, is starting a RESEARCH PROJECT: ROOT CANALS & HEALTH ISSUES

Would you like to learn about Anamarija’s story with root canals and why she has decided to start this research?



  • Find and heal the original cause as to why the teeth were affected to the point that a person needed the procedure of the root canal in the first place. With the Holographic Kinetics technique.
  • Stimulate the regeneration of the gums and upper / lower jaw and therefore create better options for advanced dental solutions of holistic dentistry. With use of different techniques and approaches.
  • Develop a protocol that could address the issue of “slow bacteria” in root canal treatments without having to extract the tooth, and establish if the clearing of “slow bacteria” could be achieved with the use of Holographic Kinetics.


There will be a Participation Fee of 20€. Any participant of this Research Project will have access to Consultations and Holographic Kinetics sessions for a period of one year, starting on January 2018 and for the research sessions only. Fee per visit/session: 20€

A participant of this research can be anyone who has had a root canal treatment, and has subsequently also started to suffer any of the following issues: chronic sinusitis, chronic sore throat, receding gums, candida or hormonal disorders.



This research is meant for the educational and free exchange of ideas about Holographic Kinetics and its relation to health and wellness only. It is not intended to diagnose any physical condition. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice and treatment of a licensed professional.
In the event that you use this information for your own health, you are prescribing for yourself which is your choice and right and for which the author of this research assumes no responsibility. The author of this research is neither a legal counsellor nor a medical health practitioner and makes no claims in this regard.