So what’s up with Ayahuasca?
There are entities that control the realm you enter when taking Ayahuasca. It is a false light construct, based solely upon illusions and delusional experiences. These entities offer the participant the bait, which could be cosmic visions, and they could even heal some physical or mental illnesses or give you insights, but they all come at a very high price.
They present themselves as your well-wishers, but they have a very dark agenda. Once the person surrenders his guard to these entities, they then put their hooks in, where they begin their feeding. They also take over the person’s mind and manipulate him.

written by Greg Calise

I’ve been wanting to write this one for some time. I can very easily notice the difference in the people I know that take this dangerous drug. Graham Hancock was a great researcher, and has written many good books. But since he began taking Ayahuasca, that’s all he talks about. He now writes weird fiction novels as if they are real and has You Tube videos exclaiming the glories of Ayahuasca. I notice that when someone takes it, they seem to want everyone to know about it, as they can’t seem to shut up about it. I see this all over the internet, as the new age hippies have found a new drug of choice. They think it is spiritual, but it’s not. It’s cosmic, and it’s a big trap.

The sector of the cosmos we find ourselves in

Let me explain. The cosmic realm is the lower part of the universe, where there is extreme polarity and duality, conflict and evil. The sector of the cosmos we find ourselves in is being run by inter dimensional predators. They have created false light constructs, which are made of inorganic light. This is the cosmic matrix. I have written extensively about this. We are trapped in the web of the earthly matrix, but beyond that is the cosmic matrix.

I have had extensive experience in these realms. Back in the 1980s, I traveled throughout these realms for six years, and was able to map the cosmos. That attracted the attention of the Prince of Wales Institute of Architecture in London, where I was given the position as a consultant in sacred geometry and the structure of the cosmos. That was 1994, and I had no idea of the royal family or the illuminati. After a few months, I was interrogated by men in black suits, which also silenced me.

These cosmic realms are full of deceptions. A light being, a god or goddess, an angel, ascended masters and other entities will present themselves to you. They are only disguises, as they are dimensional shape shifters, and what lies beneath the dazzling disguises are very evil entities, many of which are winged serpents. It is child’s play for them to deceive humans. They have evil agendas. Once they get their hooks into you, they feed off of you, manipulate your mind and even take you over. This is all a big trap, and so many new agers actually believe that this is all spiritual. I wonder what Lao Tzu would say about this. Wait a minute, he Did say something about this…..

“I do not concern myself with gods and spirits either good or evil nor do I serve any.” – Lao Tzu

So what’s up with Ayahuasca?

There are entities that control the realm you enter when taking Ayahuasca. It is a false light construct, based solely upon illusions and delusional experiences. These entities offer the participant the bait, which could be cosmic visions, and they could even heal some physical or mental illnesses or give you insights, but they all come at a very high price. These entities present themselves as your well-wishers, but they have a very dark agenda. Once the person surrenders his guard to these entities, they then put their hooks in, where they begin their feeding. They also take over the person’s mind and manipulate him. I have personally seen a friend actually slowly begin to be taken over by them. He is slipping away, and some other energy is taking his place. He doesn’t realize it, thinking it is spiritual. This energy feels cold and empty.

John Perkins wrote a few books about his experiences in the South American jungles when he was in the Peace Corp. He spoke about the shamans, their ayahuasca, and that these tribes were originally cannibals and head hunters, only recently being forced to stop their practices. John Perkin’s stories do not shine a very positive light on these people, at least not from my perspective.

So many people run towards these cosmic realms, fascinated by the phantasmagoria. They believe that this is a spiritual journey, but it’s only a detour into the cosmic realms. It has nothing to do with being spiritual. Spiritual is within, deep within, beyond the cosmos and all of its phantasmagoria of illusions, deceptions, conflict and evil.

We are in a war

We are in a war for our mind and our soul. Sadly, as I look out, I see so many people losing that war. They are being led astray. I suppose that is the journey they have planned for this life.They have bitten into the bait and allowed the hooks to penetrate them, and they are being reeled in, to be thrown into the boat of the cosmic matrix, where the predators will devour them. It’s not easy for me to watch this, but few are willing to see beyond the illusions. It is what it is. There are no free rides to true freedom, only to bondage.

You cannot break free of the cosmic realm by taking any drug, whether it be ayahuasca, psylocibin, LSD, peyote or any other drug. You cannot break free by kundalini yoga, chanting, rituals, prayers or any other such practices. The only way out of the cosmic realm is by Grace.

“Grace is within you. Grace is your Self. Grace is not something to be acquired from others. If it is external, it is useless. All that is necessary is to know its existence is in you. You are never out of its operation.” -Ramana Maharshi.

“Grace is ever present. All that is necessary is that you surrender to It.” – Ramana Maharshi.

“As far as inner transformation is concerned, there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot transform yourself, and you certainly cannot transform your partner or anybody else. All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter.” – Eckhart Tolle.

This grace, which is always in us, begins to awaken when one decides to take the inner journey to the Self. Stand still. Be quiet. Surrender to the grace that is within you. – Greg Calise

The above article was written by Greg Calise, The Extreme Danger of Ayahuasca, June 17, 2014

The key is to observe the nature


The key is to observe nature, the Ayahuasca vine strangles its host and takes over.

When you take the liquid form it does the same thing, as that is all it knows within its creation –  it takes over, shuts the neurons down and tries to convince you how brilliant it is.

It is a powerful life form, the natives call it “Vine of the Soul” “Vine with a Soul” or “Vine of the dead”.

Steve Richards

What is your intent and what is your agreement within you?

We have two worlds.
An internal world to an external world of manifesting realities, and the external world to the internal world.
The internal world to the external world is you rearranging the universe to confirm to your reality.
The external world is disempowering yourself and empowering something that is outside yourself. And I don’t care what it is. Don’t call anything in. Because the moment you call something in, you disempower you and you give the power to it over you. There comes the manipulation of the programming of whatever that thing is that you’ve called in, that is now going to be manipulating you for its own agenda.

Steve Richards

Listen to Steve Richards’ interview on OffPlanet Radio, hosted by Randy Maugans, January 1, 2013
Psychotropic Soul Harvest “We must start looking at the bigger picture as drugs and medication can open wormholes into other dimensions, allowing other forces to take over the body.”

Is there a way out of it?

We need to be aware that by ingesting hallucinogenic plants we open wormholes to other dimensions. Not many are aware of what that really means – The Laws of Lore state that when one enters a game of another, one becomes subject to the laws and rules of that game. It is an agreement of entrapment that is valid for ever … until it is broken.

Have you ever asked yourself why is it that when people apparently successfully finish their rehabilitation programs, they keep on relapsing over and over again? Sometimes it can even happen after many years have passed by.
It is because during their healing process they have not dealt with the original cause that made them take drugs in the first place, neither have they dealt with the consequences of opening the wormholes to other dimensions through drugs they’ve taken.

Holographic Kinetics is a powerful and unique modality available today that can heal you and help you take back control of you life, and assists you in breaking all agreements or agreements of entrapment that you have made when taken ayahuasca, or any other drug.

– Anamarija K. Mashalin

Read more on Ayahuasca

– Ayahuasca takes her revenge. You have been warned. by Passionfruitcowgirl,  June 30th 2016
Ayahuasca: Dispelling Myth – Harm vs. Healing by Joshua Hanna, Holistic Evolution, Dec. 2014
– The Dark Side of Ayahuasca by Kelly Hearn, Men’s Journal, March 2013
– What happened that day, blog by Niels Kunze
The Dark Side of Ayahuasca by Jonathan Evatt


Remove it safely.
Inter-dimensional interference can be
internally created or
something external
that you allowed
to enter your field though lowering your defences or through rituals.
We find the cause and
safely remove the interference.


Break it. Take back control.
Drugs, alcohol, food, video games, sex…

Address the original reason of why you became addicted.
Clear the effects of drugs or medications.
Get rid of those pesky voices in your head.

Take back your control.


Change internal dialogue.
Mood swings. Phobias. Eating disorder. Bipolar. Feeling helpless/ hopeless. Hallucinations. Psychosis. Schizophrenia. Compulsive disorder. Suicidal or harmful thoughts.
Get to the root of your uncontrollable thoughts. Change your internal dialogue.