Did you know that root canals treated teeth weaken your immune system and can seriously affect your health?

From 1994 to 2000 there was a study in which 5.000 root canal-filled teeth were removed and tested, and each and every one of them was found to have compounds coming out of it that were “more toxic than botulism ”. [1]

Did you know that each of your teeth is related to a meridian which is related to various organs, tissues and glands in your body? (bio-energetic flow to the internal organs associated with that tooth) [2]

Maybe you’ve been dealing with certain health issue since years, not finding any final solution. There is a big probability that you didn’t even have the slightest idea that root canals and your health could be tightly related.

I don’t blame you. So many dentist still believe that this procedure is perfectly safe, in spite of all the information out there and research that is dating back as far as 1908 [3] and some of their patients reporting back to them about something not been quite right.

How can something, that was done years ago to your tooth, be affecting your health today?
It’s indeed a concept that may be quite difficult to grasp.

The 25 years research program directed by a Dental Research Specialist, Weston A. Price, D.D.S., M.S.

Did you know that there was a 25 years long research, which showed, beyond any doubt, that there was no safe way to do a root canal filling? This research brought vast array of discoveries and one of its striking conclusions was that root canal filled teeth always remain infected no matter how good they look or how good they feel.

Not only that, but the research established root canal teeth as the cause of many serious degenerative conditions, including cancers. [4]

Until a few years ago I haven’t had the slightest idea about all the information out there. I trusted my dentist. I decided for him because he had the most holistic approach of all the dentists I knew about, and he was using homeopathic remedies as much as possible. But in the period of more than 20 years I ended up with three root canal filled teeth!

I can tell you from my experience that this treatment is by no means safe. My health has been affected on so many levels. After my first treatment, which happened more than twenty years ago, I soon started to suffer health issues which I tried to heal for years.

Until I’ve finally realized the most obvious thing!

Teeth are living tissues!

Although teeth seem solid, they are actually extremely porous, filled with tiny tubes, called tubules. These tubules are tiny yet wide enough to house 5 bacteria standing side by side. Think bacterial super highway. It is suggested that the average front tooth has approximately 3 miles of tubules through it (if stacked end to end).

When the teeth are alive, they have blood flowing through them and the blood flow creates flow through the dentinal tubules as well, thus cleansing the tooth. The fact is that a root canal tooth is dead, politically called non-vital.  The root canal procedure stops the flow of blood into the tooth which kills the tooth.  This makes all the difference as the tooth now has no way to maintain healthy microbial balance within the tubules. [5]

I’ve tried so many different approaches. So many different therapies. With no real success, a little bit of improvement and then back again to the point zero. Well, actually not point zero, since after some years I ended up with another root canal filled tooth.

But instead of getting better I was getting worse. When I would talk to my dentist he would gently dismiss me as being too sensitive. “You’re so sensitive” he used to say. “I don’t understand why you’re still feeling pain in this area, this tooth has no roots anymore, it is dead. By now you shouldn’t anymore get affected by heat or cold. Hm, how very strange.”

Yeah… strange. I let myself be persuaded that it was just me and I was being too sensitive. All was well. Well, actually, it was not.  But since I’ve sort of accepted that my teeth were not the best in the world, it then became almost natural that after a few years I ended up with the third root canal treatment.

Because I didn’t listen to myself. I didn’t trust myself. I trusted somebody else to explain me what I was perceiving that was going on in my body. Because that somebody else was an expert, a specialist that studied many years to become a dentist. But my body was telling me different story to his. And I didn’t listen to it.

Oh well, how easy it is to see things once we can look back at them.


With time my list of health issues was getting longer although I was not aware of it… it has been happening drop by drop and over the course of more than twenty years.

I now realize that it is actually freaking difficult to heal something while on the other end you keep on poisoning it!

Having not just one but three root canal treatments means that my body has been systematically and constantly poisoned 24 hours a day and 365 days a year from three different points. Day after day, month after month, year after year. Quite a daunting thought, don’t you think?

But why my teeth were not well in the first place?

There is, of course, a deeper reason as to why back then my teeth got affected to the point when my dentist considered that I came to the point of no return and that the root canal procedure was the best option to go. I have no doubts that he was well intentioned. But he was nevertheless wrong. Very wrong. The sad thing about it is that he still refuses to at least acknowledge that there’s something not quite right with this procedure. Not all is as he was taught in his medical school. Not all is the way we were taught in schools.

As for instance this piece of disturbing information:

Research in Switzerland with breast cancer patients

The Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland is the leading center for alternative medicine in Europe and has treated cancer patients since 1958. A part of this clinic is a Dentist section. Every cancer patient who comes to the clinic has his/her mouth cleaned of root canal-filled teeth before any other cancer treatment is done.

In 2004, the clinic’s Director, Dr. Thomas Rau, observing that most breast cancer patients they were treating had root canal-filled teeth, decided to do a study. He reviewed the records of the last 150 of their breast cancer patients. He found that 147 of them (98%) had one or more root canal teeth on the same meridian as their original breast cancer tumor. He believes there is no doubt that this was the primary cause of their cancers. [6]

I have root canals. What now?

At the moment the only 100% effective solution to the Root Canal – Health Issues interrelation seems to be removing the affected tooth and clean and heal the infected parts. And if necessary go to prosthetics. Not a very pleasant thought.

I might as well do nothing, but I’ afraid that is not really my option.
Or I could give it a try and find a dentist who uses ozone gas technology, and have my root canals ‘retreated’ with a hope to be able to eliminate bacteria with ozone gas treatment. Nice thought but again, it is something that is not guaranteed to be successful. [7]

What about if there would be another way?

Since years I’ve been dedicating almost every moment of my life to research, to explore and learn about who we are and what are we doing here, and to learn about how to help myself to achieve health, happiness and wellbeing.

In more than twenty years of research and studies I’ve learnt some very powerful and advanced holistic healing techniques and at present I work as a Holistic Health practitioner.

Research Project

In the beginning of this year, and as result of my personal quest, I decided to start a Research Project and address the connection between Root Canals & Health Issues with the techniques that I specialize in.

My intention is to combine my understanding of body-mind-spirit relation and these powerful modalities in a quest to find answers and new ways to address root canals and health issues possible interrelation.

Consultations & Holographic Kinetics sessions for a small fee

We will look at the connections between root canals filled teeth and your health issues and we will address why your tooth/teeth got issues in the first place.

There are no negative side effects of the techniques used in this research and even if we couldn’t find ‘another way’, you will definitely receive assistance to address and heal the reason as to why it has all started in the first place.

Fee per consultation/ session: 20€

Participate in the Research! (entry closed)

If this information has resonated with you and you’d like to participate in this Research please VISIT THIS LINK, and at the bottom of the page  you’ll find this online form to fill in.

Please share with your friends that may be interested!


Need more information?

In case that you’d like to first get acquainted with me or learn more about the techniques that will be used, you are welcome to schedule the initial consultation.
Call +34 607 628 505 or fill in this contact form.
Remember, Holographic Kinetics sessions are one-on-one only.

Let’s find a solution and heal!

Anamarija K Mashalin


Start moving forward.


Where are you and where would you like to be?

Gain clarity on how to start your journey.
Start moving forward.


Support. Assistance. Guidance.


Gain clarity.
Start your journey to health and wellbeing.
Create profound and lasting change.


Remove negative life patterns.


Do the same things keep happening in your life over and over again?
Relationships, health, love, work, abundance etc.

Remove unconscious blocks in just one session.


This research is meant for the educational and free exchange of ideas about Holographic Kinetics and its relation to health and wellness only. It is not intended to diagnose any physical condition. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice and treatment of a licensed professional.
In the event that you use this information for your own health, you are prescribing for yourself which is your choice and right and for which the author of this research assumes no responsibility. The author of this research is neither a legal counsellor nor a medical health practitioner and makes no claims in this regard.