6 stretches to improve the circulation of your vital energy through the 12 main meridians*.
Regular practice will balance your physical, emotional and spiritual energy.
* Meridians are energy pathways in the body. Each meridian is associated with particular organs, glands, tissues, bones, emotions, elements and colours
The Makko Ho is a series of six exercises which resemble standard yoga poses, however, the added knowledge and focus on the meridians makes that the practices has a slight different feel to it.
They will tonify each pair of your meridians and will improve the functioning of the corresponding organs, as well as favour the emotional and psychological factors associated with them.
Makko Ho stretches will help you realize what are your energetic strengths and weaknesses:
- The blockage or stagnation of the circulation in a certain meridian will manifest in the form of rigidity or resistance to exercise.
- In turn flexibility reveals a good circulation of the ki and a well-functioning meridian.
Doing them regularly will help you improve your vital functions and prevent disease.
The Makko Ho is always practiced in this specific order.
It is advised to do a little warm up before you start.
Breathe deeply and evenly as you do each exercise.
Try to stay balanced and relaxed.
- Breathe slowly while trying to relax into the pose on each exhalation breath.
- When you’ve reached maximum stretch, hold that posture by counting three breaths and then relax.
- Try to visualize and feel the energy flowing along the meridians you are exercising.
Each pose can be held from 3 to 10 breaths and is repeated two or three times, depending on the ease or difficulty of getting into the pose.
- Don’t force yourself to reach beyond the point where your body comfortably reaches.
- Do these exercises with gentleness and determination.
If you do them regularly, you will soon become more flexible and your health will improve.
- Be patient with yourself.
1. METAL | Lungs & Large Intestines Meridians
2. EARTH | Stomach, Spleen and Pancreas Meridians
3. FIRE | Heart & Small Intestines Meridians
4. WATER | Kidneys & Bladder Meridians
5. SECONDARY FIRE | Pericardium & Tripple Heater Meridians
6. WOOD | Liver & Gall Bladder Meridians
Drawings by Pepe Infantozzi | Illustrations from sohoshiatsu.com
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